Make time for you.

My passion is to help stressed out humans relax and reconnect to their most authentic self and their inner knowing through sacred sounds, activation of the voice, energy work and stone medicine. I also walk in the realms of dreams among the rainbows and thunder, where shadows are never quite as they seem. 

Friends have said that I’m a “rare phenomenon that shows up in someone’s life at just the right moment” to help clarify, reset and redirect them to their heart’s path. I’ve been called an “energetic alchemist” by clients who are surprised at the quickness of the depths we reach in sessions. I am a conduit for holding a space of love for you to be able to unwind and relax back into yourself again. I believe YOU are your own healer.

Graduate of NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts

Certified Dream Teacher under the training of Robert Moss

Certified in Guided Energy Medicine under the training of Rose Cole

Certified Willow End of Life Educator

Certified Stone Medicine Practitioner trained by Sarah Thomas of Upper Clarity

Certified Vocal Resonance Facilitator

Gene Keys Guide/Ambassador (My chart-Right Angle Cross of Love and In Human Design a 3/5 Generator)